hello to all! (well.. probably both... lol) i thought, since my and tara's lives revolve around food, why shouldn't this blog? we both love trying out new places to eat or experimenting in the kitchen so hopefully this can keep everyone up to date on what we've been up to both at and away from the dinner table :)
sooo... this morning i decided to go ahead and put a dry rub on a brisket i bought yesterday. last weekend we smoked some pulled pork (amazing!) and i've been itching to try out some beef. so i bought a decent size (5 lbs) brisket at publix. well, i somehow managed to charge myself twice for the meat using the self check-out and didn't realize until i got home. upon returning to the store for a refund, i noticed 3 police cars out front. apparently, the u.s. bank inside got robbed! the store manager rather creepily informed me in a thick drawl that he carried a large knife for self-defense and that he "didn't spend 17 years in the military just to die in publix." glad the robbers didn't get too close to him.
anyway the picture is of my brisket with the rub on :)
At first I thought that meat picture was one of the robbers after the store manager did his thing to them with the knife.